Pain management is the treatment of chronic non malignant pain using treatments and therapies including narcotic medications. Patients needing treatment should be guided that with this form of treatment comes great responsibility to not abuse, misuse, lose, share or divert medications. Patients are tested, re tested and screened to insure that abuses are not taking place. Failed or avoided drug test, falsified records, suspected drug diversion, drug related arrest, false claims in examinations, irresponisble or unsafe use of medications are grounds for dismissal from pain management. Rivercoast Anesthesia conducts compulsory random non appointment day pill counts and drug screens to ensure compliance.
WARNING : Indivduals who attempt to obtain prescriptions for Narcotic Mediations through fraud are commiting a third-degree felony in the State of Florida. Falsifing records, lying to a doctor to obtain prescriptions for controlled medications, falsifying MRI reports, forging referrals, seeing multiple Dr's to obtain similiar controlled medications are just a few examples of fraud and are violations of Florida Satute 893.13.