Price List
Fee Schedule (self pay) cost cpt:code
New Patient consultation. $450 99204
Returning Patient 28day visit $300 99212
Blocks Patient Initial Consultation $150 99202
Nurse to Dr’s records review (pre admittance) $125 99358
Urine Drug Screens (random) No cost
Trigger Point Injections 1 to 2 muscles $60 20552
Trigger Point Injections 3 or more muscles $80 20553
Sacroiliac Joint Block $70 per site G0260
Peripheral Nerve Blocks $80 64450
Lumbar Sympathetic Block $140 per side 64520
Lumbar Epidural Block $450 62322
Shoulder AC Joint Block $80 20610
Hip/ Knee Injection $80 20610
Wrist/Ankle/elbow Injection $60 20605